

Living Sacrifice – “Second Death/Obstruction” from their 1991 debut release. Living Sacrifice is a Christian Metal band with roots in Christian Thrash metal. They had a brief two album stint expermienting with Christian Death Metal, but the majority of their catalog after their first 3 albums would be considered a metalcore/groovecore hybrid. Their most recent albums (The Infinite Order and Ghost Thief) seemed to return a bit to their straight ahead metal roots that satisfied their longtime thrash fans, but still keeping true to the signature sound that has come to define their sound from the Reborn album, onwards.

I do not own this album cover or song. All rights to Living Sacrifice, Rex Records and/or Tooth & Nail/Solid State Records.


Ending all of life beginning of death
Soul has been lost taken last breath
Descent to darkness life forever left
Imprisoned awaiting the second death
Incarcerate in a solid rock cell
Facing the reality the present hell
Absolute darkness one of isolation
Soul of the lost with will of separation
Rejected God intentionally unaware
Voluntary placement for this eternal nightmare
Losing grip of sanity mind goes insane
Loneliness of death creeps in to reign
Vile stench begins to fill the air
Demons gather with a hideous glare
Assembled to inflict verbal torment
Reminded of salvation seeds forever dormant
Now seeing through their black lies
Realization of eternity bleeds into cries
Sneering and chanting manifesting on the walls
Interrupted torture by the great one who calls
Transformed to the great white throne
Standing before God yet still alone
He releases the love that won’t be received
Convicted now but too late to believe
Laid out for all his perfect will
And ignorant life remains unfulfilled

Being held fast by the cords of affliction
Subjected to mental infiltration
Conceived thought compromise obtained
Appealing to desires fatal if remain
Afflicted spirits
Under the authority
Christ proclaimed
Obstruction cease to be

Depraved aphrodisia wars against the soul
Fulfilling strategies of complete control
From the deep prcess of a darkened mind
Twistedly emerge images of this kind

Legions of the air on this journey they lead
Obsession inspired nurtures dormant
Trouble is presented by an unjust gain
Selfish ambitions that were plotted in vain

Ricky Puckett

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